A little more on automotive security and some other stuff

First off, these two papers on automotive security (AutoSec) were very interesting. At some point I’d like to reproduce their work and build on it.

But, for now I need to focus on learning proof by induction, so I was thinking that when I come across an interesting proof (or any proof more likely) I would post about it here and do my best to explain how it works. So expect a post sometime soon about the general form of induction proofs with examples.

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Exploring OBD

My interest started with this short blurb on Schneier on Security :: www.schneier.com/blog/archives/2012/07/hacking_bmws_re.html

Which lead to this link on Jalopnik :: http://jalopnik.com/5923802/watch-hackers-steal-a-bmw-in-three-minutes

After going back to read the comments on the Schneier post I came eventually arrived at this link :: https://isc.sans.edu/presentations/sansfire2012-Rob_Vandenbrink-obd-preso.pdf :: which really got me thinking.

Imagine being able to have complete control over any car where you can get to the OBD port. Or even better, being able to remotely access the OBD system of any car with a mobile phone. I think this is an awesome idea, so I’m currently digging deeper.

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Got Caught up with Class

So, I had a very busy month or so right after I took my Dell apart and put it back together so I never made it around to putting up a post about it. But classes are becoming a little less demanding recently so I might have some free time to actually do interesting shit to post here. Sorry ’bout that.

Anyways, I ordered volume one of Knuth’s “The Art of Computer Programming” and it should be here tomorrow or the day after. I’m excited.

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A Preview of the Laptop Disassembly

This is what I’ve spent the last three hours working on (though I’m sure at least and hour of that was spent looking for a suitably sized flat-head screwdriver).

Disassembled Dell Inspiron 1520

Disassembled Dell Inspiron 1520

I’ll post more details soon.

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Step 1) Create Vessel for Awesomeness

(a.k.a. Make a blog.)

And here it is! Something more interesting forthcoming. It should show up after finals, but procrastination being the way it is there is likely to be something a bit sooner than that.

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