Exploring OBD

My interest started with this short blurb on Schneier on Security :: www.schneier.com/blog/archives/2012/07/hacking_bmws_re.html

Which lead to this link on Jalopnik :: http://jalopnik.com/5923802/watch-hackers-steal-a-bmw-in-three-minutes

After going back to read the comments on the Schneier post I came eventually arrived at this link :: https://isc.sans.edu/presentations/sansfire2012-Rob_Vandenbrink-obd-preso.pdf :: which really got me thinking.

Imagine being able to have complete control over any car where you can get to the OBD port. Or even better, being able to remotely access the OBD system of any car with a mobile phone. I think this is an awesome idea, so I’m currently digging deeper.

About aqualis

I'm an undergrad double majoring in Physics and Computer Science at the University of Illinois in Champaign-Urbana.
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